Warring Angels and Spiritual Warfare by Randolph Jason – Gospel News Network
We have been working on a series of articles that began at the end of April 2018 that have all been focused on the resurgence of Christianity around the world. This uprising, if you will, all began in Russia when Vladimir Putin took power and allowed the Orthodox Christian and Orthodox Jewish communities to come out of the shadows and back into the center of the community. The Jewish synagogs have not done as well, in Russia, as the Christian churches. Christianity in Russia is sweeping the landscape like a brushfire of freedom. More than 3 churches a day are being built throughout the country and the capacity is still at 100%.
Our focus for this article around the Christian faith movement will be slightly different. We are going to look at stewardship. More specifically how monetary stewardship plays a role in our Spiritual life and the impact it has on our secular life. These two parts of our lives are in constant motion and it is our responsibility to merge the two and allow the Spiritual to be the guiding force. Most people are willing to allow God to guide their lives in most areas but when it comes to finances, well, everything seems to change.
Before we dive into this I want to give another example of how our world is transforming and a Christ centered life is returning. What happened at a President Trump rally on November 5 has been unheard of over the past several years. The phrase Merry Christmas had all but been eliminated from our society much less a group of almost 10,000 people spontaneously breaking into Amazing Graze because a fellow human being passed out during the rally. See for yourself.
A few days ago I published the video Sean references, A Message from the Warring Angels, and like Bill Still I, too, had tears rolling down my face as I listened to his message to his wife, Beth. These are two powerful messages in as many days and speaks to the power of God moving through people that are willing and listening. The landscape is changing and the people are awakening. God is moving in our lives in ways that has not happened in the last two generations.
A Message from the Warring Angels
Well, I was going to focus on another subject, as I stated above, but I guess this is what God has placed on my heart instead.
When we listen intently God speaks. Call it prayer, mediation or something else it is still allowing the Holy Spirit to fill ones body and soul. God has created the nationalist movement that is sweeping the world while He is reasserting His dominion and will not be denied. These two movements are tied together. This is evident the world over. We are now seeing lives transformed out in the open. We are now seeing more and more people speaking out for God and Jesus Christ in ways that have not happened in years, decades, maybe multiple decades.
As Paul Joseph Watson said a few months ago, conservatives are the new counter-culture (adult language). The old counter-culture has morphed into mainstream, progressives that have taken everything beautiful and made it ugly or illegal. Look at music, art and society as a whole. This is to say nothing of the attempts to convince an entire nation that LGBT is somehow normal and acceptable. That a human can somehow claim they are cat or some other four legged, lower animal. These are direct challenges to God. Simply because a man has his penis removed does not make him a woman. He is still a man.
I could get into a list of items that show societal changes that directly challenge God every single day. We are continually told these challenges are natural, expected and, somehow, a positive for our communities. They are not. As a matter-of-fact, the opposite is true. Look at what happened when the builders of the Titanic challenged God and stated that it was “unsinkable” before it’s maiden voyage. God accepted the challenge, God prevailed and the ship sat on the ocean floor for close to a hundred years before it was ever seen again. I would rather not see society sink to the bottom of the ocean. If the awakening, uprising that is happening now reverts we may very well find ourselves completely lost for another hundred years.